Funding Call

We are now accepting Expressions of Interest for Intake 4 of the Mass Timber Demonstration Program.

Expression of Interest Guide | Download

Application Form | Download

FAQ | Download

The application deadline is October 21, 2024, at 20:00 Pacific Daylight Saving Time.

Please send any questions regarding the program or application process to:

Details on past program recipients can be found on our Funded Projects page.

Mandatory Submission Requirements

To be eligible for funding under the program, projects must meet all mandatory criteria. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to demonstrate in the EOI Application Form that the proposed project clearly meets each mandatory criterion.

  • The application must be complete and provide enough information for a proper evaluation;
  • The application must be submitted by an Eligible Applicant;
  • The proposed project must support an Eligible Building;
  • The proposed project must support an Eligible Activity;
  • The costs outlined in the application must be Eligible Costs;
  • The project must occur in British Columbia (B.C.);
  • The main structural building system must be mass timber or mass timber-hybrid (such as mass timber-light-frame wood, mass timber-concrete or mass timber-steel);
  • The application must demonstrate the need for incremental funding support through the MTDP, and how requested funding will advance this project in the immediate term;
  • The Applicant must commit to contributing the majority of the total project cost, and must provide evidence of funds and/or in-kind support for their share of project costs;
  • The Applicant must demonstrate they have access to the funding required to  successfully complete the project; and
  • The total Canadian government assistance (federal, provincial and municipal) cannot exceed 100% of the total eligible incremental project cost being funded through the MTDP.

Desired Criteria

Projects that clearly meet the mandatory criteria will then be evaluated and rated against the program’s desired criteria.


Technical Feasibility: Applicants should demonstrate the degree to which the project is expected to be technically feasible and generate the desired outcomes.

Business Plan: Applicants should demonstrate strong financial/ pro-forma analysis, sound budgeting and a credible and complete business plan.

Timing: Preference will be given to Applicants who propose the most credible and defensible project schedule information. Priority will also be given to projects that can be completed or will begin completion in a near-term horizon.

Experience: Applicants should demonstrate sufficient experience and capacity to deliver a mass timber or mass timber-hybrid building.

Financial Competitiveness

Financial Competitiveness and Replicability: Applicants should clearly demonstrate a financially competitive project design and implementation plan, including a Class “D” cost analysis.

Innovation and Value

Building Innovation: Applicants should demonstrate the degree of building innovation and novelty, as demonstrated using new innovative mass timber products, systems, designs, construction methodology and design for adoptability and dismantling.

Value for Investment: Applicant should demonstrate how the project will help to achieve program results related to:

  • Supporting mass timber implementation where traditional building materials would have otherwise been used.
  • Supporting mass timber usage in innovative construction in a specific region or context.

Environmental Performance

Environmental Performance: Projects should demonstrate how the building solution will reduce or mitigate GHG emissions compared to a similar building constructed with traditional materials and systems. Projects should also provide an initial estimate of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and how the GHG mitigation estimate was calculated. 

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